Thursday 27 November 2008

Dissertation- writing my dissertation- AHHHH!!!!!.....

Due to the large work load (Drum Beat, MOS, Style magazine to call a few!) My dissertation took a back step, but as the deadline for my first draft (15th December) is looming, I have been trying to be more strict with myself, as I don’t want to muck up my dissertation, because I haven’t spent enough time on it, and therefore my marks suffer, because I haven’t focused it. Therefore I have sat down with Chris, and we have decided that I should focus on my dissertation for the time being, focusing on it for at least one day per week, so that I can do my best on my poor dissertation!

Monday 24 November 2008


(Chapters, that I handed in before half term)

Dissertation Subject; “Saul Bass and his Contribution to Motion Graphics; Focusing on five Film Credits that Saul Bass produced from 1955 until 1995”

Chapter 1; Introduction 

Introduction to Saul Bass

Early Life 

Chapter 2; “The Man with the Golden Arm” (1955)

Introduction to the film


-Drug Addiction

Film Credits by Saul Bass


Black and white

White animated Paper

Most famous of his title sequences

How the credits were relevant, and how Saul Bass became known

Views when the film came out

Chapter 3; “ Ocean’s Eleven” (1960)

Introduction to the film

-Heist Film centered around a series of Robberies in Las Vegas

-Lewis Mitestone

-Iconic Image... Quentin Torrantino, Reservoir Dogs

Film Credits by Saul Bass

-Made out of small dots

Morph 1 to 11

Changing Colours

Basic Background- running theme throughout work

Like lights in a casino/ Las Vegas

Cards/ Cherry Machine/ Gambling/ dice - what do they represent?

Chapter 4; “Psycho” (1962)

Introduction to the film

-Based on the Novel by Robert Bloch

-1960 suspense/ horror film

-Psychotic Killer

-Shower scene, Saul Bass fall out, storyboards

Film Credits by Saul Bass

-Saul Bass slated for credits

-white lines

-disjointed text

-similar to “the man with the golden arm”

-critics unfair

Chapter 5 “casino” (1995)

Introduction to the film

-based on a true story

-Crime Drama film

-Book by Nicholas Pilegge and Larry Shanding

-Frank “Lefty” Rosenthol 

Film Credits by Saul Bass

-Last Film credits before he died 1996

-man into car, car blows up

-Man “falling” through lights, fire

-Bright Lights

-Interesting mix of graphics and film

-One of his finest Pieces.

(I know that there is only four on this document, but there will be five at the end! I just can’t choose which other film credit that I want to focus on!)

Chapter 6; Analysis

What is similar between all the films?

What is different between all the films?

favourite parts

Hated parts

what depicts Saul Bass?

Why was “the man with the golden arm” (1955) depicted as his greatest work?

Why was he then slated for “Psycho” in 1960?

How his work changed through the decades, became more film based

Chapter 7; Conclusion

My Proposition of saul Bass and his works. 

How he has made me look at Motion Graphics differently

How he revolutionized Motion Graphics in the 1950’s

Works that have been influenced by his work;

-Catch me if I can (2002)


Graphic Design and Motion Graphics